JEE Mains-B.Arch

The JEE (Main)-2019 will be conducted twice before admissions in the next academic session. The students will have following benefits of the new pattern:

This will give one more opportunity to the students to improve their scores in examination. if they fail to give their best in first attempt without wasting their whole academic year.

In first attempt, the students will get a first-hand experience of taking an examination and to know their mistakes which they can improve while attempting for the second time.

This will reduce chances of dropping a year and droppers would not have to waste a full year.

If anyone missed the examination due to reasons beyond control, then he/she won’t have to wait for one full year.

The student’s best of the two NTA scores will be considered for preparation of Merit List/Ranking.

The first attempt of JEE (Main) – 2019 will be held in January, 2019 whereas the second attempt will be held in April, 2019. The test will be held on different shifts/dates in both the attempts. The NTA will release the application form of JEE (Main)-2019 for the first attempt in September,2018 and for the second attempt in February, 2019.

The result of the first attempt of JEE (Main)-2019 will be declared by 31st January, 2019 and for the second attempt by 30th April, 2019.


B.Arch 2019 | 60+ Students got above 99% in B.Arch 2019